Jack's Story
Jack, was diagnosed, in August 2014, at age 10, with Very High-Risk Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia -- which has an 85-90% cure rate. The treatment was to last 3 1/2 years at Monmouth Medical Center. He achieved remission 2 months after his diagnosis. A year later, he began the maintenance phase -- his hair grew back, he was back at school and doing well. 17 months post-diagnosis, the Leukemia came back -- we were told he needed a Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) and he moved to The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia for treatment. Jack achieved a 2nd remission -- and responded well to the chemo and immunotherapy. BMT is very grueling, especially for children. Some kids are lucky to get through it and nearly all suffer the side effects for the rest of their lives. Jack had multiple rounds of chemo, cranial and full body radiation. In May 2016, Jack had his BMT with a 9/10 match and his counts rebounded quickly. The recovery was difficult, but he was improving and was even released for a few days. Then, on Father's Day, Jack became septic and was taken via helicopter back to The Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia.
After 6 weeks of many ups and downs in the PICU, things worsened. The treatment had taken a huge toll. I had to tell him it was ok to go -- that is the hardest thing a mother could ever do. Jack died in my arms with my husband, Keith, holding his hand on August 2, 2016. He was only 12 ½.
He was the light in our family -- with the best smile and the most amazing laugh. He rarely complained. He was kind, helpful and an exceptional kid. He loved the beach, fishing, watching and playing sports. And he was the last child you would ever imagine getting sick.
Jack’s positive attitude and optimistic nature had guided us always. He showed us the way. He continues to inspire us and remind us that life is about being kind, having hope and sharing love. Jack's light and love will always be missed.